MeeT-ups – In person
We will be hosting a series of meet-ups in support of the Making In Education Community of Practice at the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum throughout the year to provide an opportunity for educators to learn and share their tips, resources, and strategies for teaching STEAM in schools. Upcoming meet-up is scheduled for August 31.
Community of practice – online
We are partnering with faculty fellows at the University of Wisconsin Madison School of Education to build and support a robust network of educators with the goal of sharing resources and learning opportunities that will advance STEAM/Maker education. Join us at the regular meet-ups or online by following the link to join our Slack Channel below.
Bamspace – Our Home Base
Let the BAMspace be your makerspace. If you have ever wanted to tackle a project for your classroom, but lacked the tools, technology, or training to make it a reality, we’re here to help. Contact us at the link below to learn more about how the BAMspace can help you extend your classroom and work toward your goals.